I love to read; I truly believe that knowledge is power.
While on this quest for knowledge; last week I had a book dropped in my lap that I have not put down.
The title of this book is BEEF Production Medicine and Management; in section A; you can read about Anatomy, Biosecurity, Body condition Scoring, Nutrition, Normal ranges for temperature, heart and resporatory rates, showing junior livestock, prescription and non-prescription drug guidelines and the list goes on this is just section A.
Section B - Routine Observation and Procedures.
Section C - Vaccines and Parasite Control Products.
Section D - Tests and Diagnostics.
Section E - Flowcharts for Specific Symptoms.
Section F - Infectious Diseases, Problems and Treatment.
If you are in 4-H, FFA, or a cattle producer this is a book you should own. I have to return this one soon, but I have order my own and it will be here soon.
this book is a Animal Health Publications you can order it on line or call 1-877-424-7838.
There is also manuals for;
Sheep and Goats
Beef and Dairy
Dogs and Cats
I think the next one that I will get will be the one for Horses. before I am done I hope to own all of them because my animal never seem to get sick on a week days.
Follow the links and check it out for yourself; KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
The Red Angus History

"1)Red is the most populous color of cattle breeds world wide. Red Angus provides a continuity and uniformity of color to any crossbreeding system. 2) Red is more heat tolerant than black and the bronze pigmentation gives great resistance to cancer eye and sun burned udders. The majority of the world’s cattle are in areas that need heat tolerance, so the red color is a definite advantage. 3) Being crossed red always breeds true. Red Angus carry no diluter genes and thus avoid the grays that result when crossbreeding with blacks." Follow this link and click History Brochure to read complete history.